Effects of Privatization of Liquor Sales in Washington

alcohol in glass

A year's worth of data has been compiled by the Washington State Patrol, the content of which addresses the number of DUI arrests and crashes since liquor sales were taken over by private retailers. The findings? According to information gathered by state patrol, liquor privatization has not seemed to significantly alter the downward trend of DUI cases that have been observed for some time now. However, this is not to say that the risk of being arrested for drunk driving no longer exists. In fact, many factors connected with the privatization of liquor sales make the chances of receiving a DUI higher.

With an increased availability of hard alcohol in grocery stores and in other privately owned stores, buyers have easier access to liquor and many state law enforcement officers have more incentive to pull over drivers on suspicions of driving under the influence. While the number of DUI arrests made in the past year does not reflect an inherent problem at this time, it's a fact that should be taken into consideration nonetheless. If you were arrested for DUI in the state of Washington, you'll need to quickly align yourself with a strong defense attorney who can represent your case.

Given the downward trend being seen in the number of DUI cases over the past year, anyone who is arrested for DUI should take swift action to alleviate the problem. Arresting officers, prosecutors, and judges are all likely to act aggressively against any driver who is believed to have been operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Accordingly, it's important that you have an experienced DUI defense lawyer on your side who can help fight the charges that have been made against you.

A decrease in the number of DUIs in Washington does not mean that your DUI charges will be dropped or reduced. You need a skilled attorney to help you try to avoid the penalties of a conviction. Contact DUIHeroes at 866-620-9524.

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