Extra DUI Patrols Policing Whatcom County

Row of police cars out patrolling

Each year, law enforcement agencies all across the country prepare for more drunk drivers on the road during the holidays. This time of year brings an influx of parties, nights out, and social events to every community and, inevitably, that leads to more intoxicated people behind the wheel. This year, Whatcom County prepared for this increase and have already noted a spike in drunk and drugged driving arrests.

As the Bellingham Herald reports, augmented law enforcement patrols all over Whatcom County have made DUI arrests a priority this holiday season. Since November 26, numerous agencies have used extra manpower on the road to crackdown on DUI offenders. Sixteen people alone were arrested across the county this past weekend, December 12 and 13.

According to the Herald's report, the following agencies are using extra DUI patrols:

  • Bellingham
  • Everson
  • Ferndale
  • Lynden
  • Western Washington University departments
  • Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
  • Washington State Patrol

Avoiding a DUI this Holiday Season

There are numerous ways we all can be extra vigilant of ourselves and loved ones this holiday season when it comes to avoiding drunk driving. Using a designated driver is still one of the easiest and effective ways to ensure that everyone at your next holiday get together gets home safe. Making sure guests who have had too many drinks have the space, pillows, and blankets to stay the night can also keep our roads safer and avoid any needless legal troubles.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ride-sharing services Uber or Lyft to your smartphone yet, now may be the time. These services have already been credited with lowering DUI rates in some communities and Uber has just made its services available in Bellingham. New users can benefit from Uber's anti-DUI effort by using the promotional code BHAMSAFE to get $20 off their first trip.

If you have been arrested for DUI in Whatcom County, you still may have legal options. I invite you to contact my firm, DUIHeroes, immediately to start exploring those options with a dedicated and knowledgeable Lynnwood DUI defense attorney. Time and time again, I have secured reductions and complete dismissals on behalf of my clients and am prepared to ensure that you and your case receives every consideration it deserves under the law.

Contact me today to get started with a free and confidential case evaluation.

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