Times Square

Last Thursday, May 18, 2017, an 18-year-old woman and at least 22 other individuals were injured when a speeding car flew into pedestrians walking in Times Square, one of Manhattan’s busiest locations. The woman was Alyssa Elsman, who was visiting New York from Portage, Michigan.

At first, law enforcement was concerned the crash was a terrorist attack. The speeding car jumped the sidewalk on the west side of 7th Avenue at 42nd Street and ran into pedestrians for 3 blocks before crashing at the northwest corner of 45th street. Times Square is also one of the most visited locations in the world. It averaged about 360,000 daily visitors last month, according to a tally by the Times Square Alliance.

However, the police later found out the driver was likely under the influence of a controlled substance. The suspect, 26-year-old Richard Rojas, drove his 2009 Honda Accord into the crowd because “God made him do it.” He later tested positive for phencyclidine (PCP), a drug that causes hallucinogenic and adverse psychological effects, such as suicidal impulses, paranoia, and depersonalization. According to the police, Rojas also suffered from “psychological issues” and expected law enforcement to shoot him. Rojas had been arrested twice before the incident in New York for drunk driving in 2015 and 2008.

If you’ve been accused of driving under the influence (DUI), talk to one of our experienced Mill Creek DUI defense attorneys at DUIHeroes. DUI cases can be some of the most difficult cases to defend and can lead to severe penalties. Make sure you’re represented by a skilled advocate. Our lawyers believe we have the most highly qualified and dedicated DUI attorneys in the area. Over the years, Attorneys Dichter and Reich have helped many individuals charged with DUI and DUI-related offenses and have honed their skills in representing people accused specifically of these type of crimes. Trust them with your case. Contact us at (425) 296-9358 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today.

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