Seattle Former Employee Faces DUI Hit and Run Charges


On the night of April 8, 2020, a Seattle public works employee called the police to turn himself in for allegedly hitting a pedestrian while he was driving a city van. The man was off-duty at the time of the alleged incident. Still, he was later fired from his position because of the accusations and subsequent charges for DUI hit and run.

Van Allegedly Swerved Off the Road Several Times

The incident occurred around 6:45 pm on April 8th. A witness said they saw the van hit a garbage can and street sign. The vehicle also veered off the road several times before striking a pedestrian. Later at the scene, detectives found chipped paint and saw multiple swerve marks on the road.

The 34-year-old woman hit suffered life-threatening injuries, including rib and pelvic fractures and lacerated organs.

Deputies Report that the Man Was Intoxicated

When deputies later showed up at the man's home, they reported that he appeared to be under the influence – he was slurring his speech and had difficulty removing his ID card from his wallet. The man stated that he had several shots of alcohol before calling the cops because the incident had rattled him. He also said that he had been drinking earlier in the day.

While at the man's home, deputies also saw a white van matching the description of the one reported to have struck the pedestrian. They noted that the vehicle was damaged and missing a patch of paint similar in size to the paint chip found at the crash scene.

On May 1st, the man was charged with vehicular assault, as well as hit and run. He is being held in Snohomish County Jail on $250,000 bail.

Click here to read the full article from the Herald Net.

At DUIHeroes, our team has over 30 years of combined legal experience and is solely focused on fighting to protect the rights and liberties of members of our community accused of DUI-related offenses. To discuss your situation during a free initial case evaluation, contact us at (425) 296-9358 today.

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