DUI Q&A Series - What If I Don’t Remember the Details of My DUI Stop?

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Being arrested for a DUI is frightening enough, but what if you can’t remember the details well enough to discuss them with your attorney? Don't worry, you are presumed innocent by law, and the burden of proving that you're guilty is on the prosecutor. A skilled attorney will fight on your behalf to make sure you don't get convicted of something that can't be proven.


Being arrested for DUI is frightening enough, but what if when you go to consult with your attorney you don't remember all the details?

First of all, don't worry. It's not your job to remember all the details. It's the police officer's job and the prosecutor's job to prove you did something wrong. You don't have to prove that you didn't.

It's your attorney's job to gather those details. We go through a process called discovery. We gather the police reports, we do a full investigation, we talk to witnesses, talk to the police officers, review video, audio, any information we can get to piece together what happened.

Your attorney should ask you a variety of questions to try to find out what information you can add to that story, but whether you can add anything or not, doesn't matter. Your attorney's job is to protect you no matter what, regardless of how much or how little information you're able to add. Your attorney will know what's best for you in those situations, and only ask you the questions they need in order to best defend you.

Fortunately, you don't have to prove you didn't do anything wrong. You're presumed innocent by law. The prosecutors and the police have the responsibility to prove you did something wrong.

And your attorney will fight on your behalf, to make sure you don't get convicted of something that can't be proven.

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