What It Means to Be a DUI Specialist: Strong Reputation

DUIHeroes meeting

In the legal world, word travels fast. When an attorney gets a great case victory that sets legal precedent, lawyers in the same practice will hear about it quickly, sometimes in a matter of hours. For this reason, you can be sure that when a law firm or individual legal professional has a strong reputation, it has been well earned. Oftentimes, a positive reputation is a prominent dividing line between a typical criminal defense lawyer and a DUI specialist.

Strong Reputation: Known by Locals and Beyond

At DUIHeroes in Lynnwood, Washington, we are proud to have a strong reputation in our community. We want locals to recognize us by name and remember our law firm first after they have been pulled over by a law enforcement officer for a DUI. Thanks to our reputation and good name, they do.

You can be confident in choosing us for your DUI case because other legal professionals know about our reputation for excellence. Many of our cases start with referrals from other law firms that aren’t equipped to handle a client’s difficult DUI case, so they send the client our way. They know that the honest work that we do will give their client a fair chance at justice and that we will do their firm proud by showing professionalism and compassion throughout the case.

A strong reputation is something that goes two ways, though. It doesn’t just mean that people know us, it also means that we know people, including local community members, past clients, prosecutors, judges, medical experts, law enforcement officials, and more. We genuinely enjoy being an active part of our communities and getting to know people by name because when you come to DUIHeroes for DUI defense, you’re not just a client, you’re a friend in need.

How Do We Build Our Reputation?

Three important ways that we have built our strong reputation across the years are:

  • Case results: A lawyer’s reputation can only be as good as the case results that they have achieved for their clients. For our team at DUIHeroes, this isn’t a problem. We are proud of the fantastic record of successful case results we have achieved for our clients. We fight diligently because we know we’re representing a human being whose life could be turned upside-down if they’re punished harshly for one mistake.
  • Accreditation: If you want to impress a professional, then you need to accomplish professional feats. For a law firm, that means showcasing our talents through different accreditation and technical knowledge courses. Founding attorney Jonathan Dichter teaches nationally as a faculty member of the National College for DUI Defense, has personally completed the NHTSA and IACP DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Student Course and the Forensic Sobriety Assessment certification course, and more.
  • Approachability: Have you ever avoided a specific store that you know has good products and good prices just because the people there aren’t exactly friendly? Despite everything that store has going for it, the bad attitude of the staff and company overall gives it a bad reputation. To build our strong reputation, we have always remained genuinely friendly, honest, and open with our clients. We want you to see the attorneys of DUIHeroes as your friends who can be told anything without any fear of judgment.

Our Reputation Precedes Us – Call Now

We can talk a lot about our strong reputation, but as we think we’ve established in this blog, talking about reputation only goes so far. A strong reputation really solidifies itself with action. If you need our help for a DUI defense case in Washington, please don’t hesitate to reach out to DUIHeroes today. Other lawyers trust us with their cases, shouldn’t you?

You can call us at (425) 296-9358we answer the phone 24/7/365 – or send an online contact form. Thank you.

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