What It Means to Be a DUI Specialist: Expertise & Focus

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When you have been arrested for a DUI, your future could be turned upside down if things don’t go your way. Even a first-time DUI conviction can result in a jail sentence, steep fines, and the removal of your driver’s license for a long time. With so much on the line, you shouldn’t trust just any defense attorney to work on your case. Instead, you should insist on working with a DUI specialist.

At DUIHeroes, we want everyone to have a fair chance to fight DUI charges. That’s why we’re sharing our insight into what makes a DUI specialist so different from a typical criminal defense attorney, and why hiring a DUI specialist should be your priority if you’re ever accused of driving under the influence. We’re beginning this blog series with two important aspects of a DUI specialist: expertise and focus.

Expertise: Not Just Knowledge but Proof of It, Too

Any lawyer who has picked up a criminal law book can claim to have knowledge about DUI laws. Even someone with a knack for Google can find a lot of information about DUI laws in their area. But what good is saying that you have knowledge on a subject if you can’t prove that you do? That’s the difference that expertise makes.

A DUI specialist should be an attorney who has expertise specifically in the area of DUI law, as proven by relevant certifications, tests, and memberships. They can back up what they do and say while working on a DUI defense case, which in turn, puts more pressure on the prosecution to do the same.

Here at DUIHeroes, founding attorney Jonathan Dichter is faculty member of the National College for DUI Defense, a frequent teacher of other DUI Lawyers, and has completed the Advanced Roadside Impairment Driver Enforcement class and DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Student Course, both organized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The expertise and knowledge he gained by completing these courses and certifications give Attorney Dichter a unique perspective on DUI defense cases, making him a sought-after teacher of other lawyers. Very few DUI attorneys across the entire country can claim to have finished just one of these courses, and even fewer can say that they have finished all three.

Focus: The Art of No Distractions

Practice makes perfect – or something close to it. This common mantra doesn’t just apply to day-to-day tasks like learning how to ride a bike or mastering public speaking without nervousness. It applies to the legal profession, too. An attorney who intentionally focuses on and continually practices cases that involve one specific type of law will naturally get better and better at handling those cases for their clients.

A DUI specialist doesn’t just accept DUI cases, they intentionally spend the majority of their time handling, studying and innovating with DUI defense cases. A specific focus on DUI cases allows them to develop a deep understanding of the intricacies, nuances, and challenges that can arise in these case types. As a result, they can create stronger defense strategies in less time than other lawyers who work on a wide variety of cases, sometimes including non-criminal defense topics like personal injury claims or estate planning law.

Need a DUI Specialist in Washington? Start with DUIHeroes

When you’ve been charged with a DUI, you can’t wait around for a lawyer to make time for your case. DUIHeroes in Washington has a 24/7/365 hotline because we know that DUI arrests can happen at any time. Get the help you need right now and from a DUI specialist by dialing (425) 296-9358 and talking to a real person from our firm!

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