What It Means to Be a DUI Specialist: Extensive Experience

client with lawyer

Experience matters in just about everything. If you’re cooking dinner for your family, then it’ll probably go better if you’ve cooked the recipe before. If you’re entering a job interview, then you’ll be more confident if you’ve worked in that field or industry in the past. However, for the average person, experience will never be more important than when they are defending themselves from a DUI charge. Specifically, the experience of the DUI specialist that they hire to defend them could be the key difference between a good and bad outcome.

Extensive Experience: We’ve Been There Before

Any criminal defense attorney who advertises that they can take DUI cases will tell you that they are experienced in DUI law. But what does that really mean when you get down to the details? Have they taken just one or two DUI cases in the past, or have they worked on hundreds? Have they helped DUI clients for just a few months, or has it been many years since they first opened their doors to DUI defendants?

The differences between ‘some’ experience and ‘extensive’ experience are significant and they can’t be overlooked when you’re looking for a DUI defense lawyer. You will want a team with decades of collective experience and a teamwork approach to DUI casework. By combining their insight and experience, such a team can pool their ideas, resources, and talents, all to benefit the client. No matter what comes up in a DUI case, such an extensively experienced team will have seen something like it before and know how to react.

An extensively experienced team will be all the stronger if it is led by a DUI attorney who has been focusing on DUI law for years or decades. For example, here at DUIHeroes, we are led by Attorney Jonathan Dichter, who has focused the entirety of his practice and career on DUI defense for nearly 20 years. He has completed and can act as an instructor for the NHTSA and IACP DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Student Course (the same test police officers must complete before being authorized to make DUI arrests and administer field sobriety tests). Attorney Dichter’s experience is not just extensive, it is also in-depth, nuanced, and technical.

Talk to an Experienced DUI Attorney Today

Place your DUI case in the hands of a DUI team known for extensive experience. DUIHeroes can protect the rights and driving privileges of drivers across Washington. We know that getting a DUI is an honest mistake that everyone can make. You’re not a criminal because you made a mistake and got pulled over. You’re a local who needs experienced legal counsel and genuine compassion. You’ll find both at our firm.

Call (425) 296-9358 to talk to a member of DUIHeroes – we answer the phone 24/7/365.

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